Eye to Eye Levels 81-90 Answers

By | May 16, 2014

Eye to Eye answers and cheats for levels 81-90 of the popular game for iPhone. Having trouble beating this challenging game? This page has all the Eye to Eye answers and cheats to help you beat the game.

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Eye to Eye Levels 81-90 Answers

  • Level 81 Question: Who promoted the use of Hemp in early America?
    • Level 81 Answer: 2) George Washington and Thomas Jefferson
  • Level 82 Question: When did Whoppi Goldberg admit that she was high?
    • Level 82 Answer: 3) When accepting an Oscar
  • Level 83 Question: How long does it take for the memory effects of marijuana to wear off of a chronic heavy user?
    • Level 83 Answer: 2) 7 days
  • Level 84 Question: Who said If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place?
    • Level 84 Answer: 2) Kristin Dunst
  • Level 85 Question: What are some of the common folk uses for marijuana throughout history?
    • Level 85 Answer: 4) All of these answers
  • Level 86 Question: What stoner movie did Method Man and Redman both star in?
    • Level 86 Answer: 4) How High
  • Level 87 Question: What do you smoke wax marijuana in?
    • Level 87 Answer: 3) Vaporizer Pen
  • Level 88 Question: How many different chemicals does cannabis contain?
    • Level 88 Answer: 3) 400
  • Level 89 Question: Who is known to have smoked on the roof of the White House?
    • Level 89 Answer: 1) Willie Nelson
  • Level 90 Question: What was the name of the 1936 movie about marijuana?
    • Level 90 Answer: 1) Reefer Madness

    Levels: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50

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