Eye to Eye Levels 91-100 Answers

By | May 16, 2014

Eye to Eye answers and cheats for levels 91-100 of the popular game for iPhone. Having trouble beating this challenging game? This page has all the Eye to Eye answers and cheats to help you beat the game.

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Eye to Eye Levels 91-100 Answers

  • Level 91 Question: What happens to someones eyes after smoking marijuana?
    • Level 91 Answer: 4) All of these are possible
  • Level 92 Question: Who said Of course I know how to roll a joint?
    • Level 92 Answer: 2) Martha Stewart
  • Level 93 Question: Where does THC pass after it passes through the lungs?
    • Level 93 Answer: 2) The Bloodstream
  • Level 94 Question: What Chinese Emperor wrote about medical uses of marijuana over 5,000 years ago?
    • Level 94 Answer: 1) Chen-Nung
  • Level 95 Question: When was the movie Up in Smoke released?
    • Level 95 Answer: 3) 1978
  • Level 96 Question: Which type of marijuana has buds?
    • Level 96 Answer: 2) Female
  • Level 97 Question: What is the reason that cannabis can be yellow/gold?
    • Level 97 Answer: 2) Carotenoid
  • Level 98 Question: Cannabis has male and female plants; what is this called?
    • Level 98 Answer: 1) Dioecious
  • Level 99 Question: When is marijuana ready to smoke?
    • Level 99 Answer: 2) When the buds are dry
  • Level 100 Question: What year was hemp used as currency when there was a short supply in money?
    • Level 100 Answer: 3) 1781

    Levels: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50

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