Problems Answers and Cheats

By | June 23, 2014

Problems answers and cheats for all 313 levels! Want to test your intelligence and cunning? Then the all new game Problems is for you! Brought to you by Sami Chaudry, Problems is the all new game that has everyone trying to remember things they learned in high school and college. Think you have what is takes to beat all 313 levels? Problems is available for all iOs devices, including your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch from the app store. Are you stuck on one of the levels? Don’t worry. We’ve got all the tips and tricks you need here at app game answers.
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Problems Answers

Problems seems like a simple enough game. All you have to do is answer the question on each level. You get a letter or number bank that you have to use to form the correct answer. If you answer the question right, you win the level. If you answer it wrong, you get to keep trying until you answer it correctly. Each time you beat a level, you earn coins which can be used to but bonuses. The bonuses include revealing a letter, getting rid of unnecessary letters, giving you a hint, or just solving the problem for you outright. But why waste your coins when we’ve you all your problems answers right here?

The levels in problems get more challenging as you go, and they can literally be anything. They can range from simple word problems to difficult, college level math problem. Chances are you won’t know the answers to all of them. Do you remember how to do combination and permutations, or even what those are? If you want to be rated as a possible genius, chances are you’re going to need some help. But don’t worry, we’re here to help get you through it with all of our Problems answers.

In order to beat all 313 levels of Problems, you may have to recall minute facts that you learned in school ages ago. You may be using parts of you brain you didn’t even know existed. The game also has intelligence classifications, so it will tell you how smart you really are. It also has explanations at the end of every level for each question, so you can know why you got the answer right or wrong. But the explanations only show up after you’ve completed the level, so you have to have already figured out the right answer. That’s not very helpful. If you want actual help on this game so that you don’t end up with a “worrying” intelligence classification, check out our answers below.

Reviewed by: Samantha Zerman | Problems | Rating: 5