Eye to Eye Levels 31-40 Answers

By | May 16, 2014

Eye to Eye answers and cheats for levels 31-40 of the popular game for iPhone. Having trouble beating this challenging game? This page has all the Eye to Eye answers and cheats to help you beat the game.

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Eye to Eye Levels 31-40 Answers

  • Level 31 Question: What is the name of marijuana rolled up in paper/cigarette?
    • Level 31 Answer: 3) Joint
  • Level 32 Question: When did the U.S. label cannabis as a poison?
    • Level 32 Answer: 2) 1906
  • Level 33 Question: About how long does it take for marijuana to reach peak levels in the brain?
    • Level 33 Answer: 1) 10 minutes
  • Level 34 Question: What two states have legalized marijuana for both medical and non-medical use?
    • Level 34 Answer: 4) Colorado and Washington
  • Level 35 Question: When did Oregon decriminalize pot?
    • Level 35 Answer: 2) 1973
  • Level 36 Question: How many people are arrested for marijuana possession each year?
    • Level 36 Answer: 3) 750,000
  • Level 37 Question: What was marijuana first used for in America?
    • Level 37 Answer: 2) Industrial goods
  • Level 38 Question: Whose birthday is on 4/20?
    • Level 38 Answer: 4) All of these answers
  • Level 39 Question: What does use of marijuana do to your appetite?
    • Level 39 Answer: 2) Increase it
  • Level 40 Question: What is the name of marijuana rolled up in a cigar?
    • Level 40 Answer: 1) Blunt

    Levels: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50

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