Eye to Eye Levels 41-50 Answers

By | May 16, 2014

Eye to Eye answers and cheats for levels 41-50 of the popular game for iPhone. Having trouble beating this challenging game? This page has all the Eye to Eye answers and cheats to help you beat the game.

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Eye to Eye Levels 41-50 Answers

  • Level 41 Question: How many compounds does the plant cannabis have?
    • Level 41 Answer: 3) 483
  • Level 42 Question: What are some of the side-effects of smoking marijuana?
    • Level 42 Answer: 4) All of these
  • Level 43 Question: What percentage of teenagers smoke marijuana daily?
    • Level 43 Answer: 1) Around 5%
  • Level 44 Question: What substance has NOT caused death by overdose?
    • Level 44 Answer: 2) Marijuana
  • Level 45 Question: What other drug do most marijuana users commonly use?
    • Level 45 Answer: 4) No other drug
  • Level 46 Question: Where are there more medical marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks?
    • Level 46 Answer: 1) Los Angeles
  • Level 47 Question: How many slang terms are there for the word marijuana?
    • Level 47 Answer: 3) Over 200
  • Level 48 Question: What is the name of the band that helped make 4/20 popular?
    • Level 48 Answer: 2) Grateful Dead
  • Level 49 Question: Which state is the biggest producer of marijuana?
    • Level 49 Answer: 2) California
  • Level 50 Question: How many inches can cannabis grow each day?
    • Level 50 Answer: 2) 2 inches

    Levels: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50

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