Ultimate Weed Trivia Levels 1-10 Answers

By | May 16, 2014

Ultimate Weed Trivia answers and cheats for levels 1-10 of the popular game for iPhone. Having trouble beating this challenging game? This page has all the Ultimate Weed Trivia answers and cheats to help you beat the game.

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Ultimate Weed Trivia Levels 1-10 Answers

  • Level 1 Question: What is 4/20?
    • Level 1 Answer: 1) National Weed Day
  • Level 2 Question: Which plant is related to Cannabis and is known as a Cannabaceae?
    • Level 2 Answer: 2) Humulus
  • Level 3 Question: How did 4/20 get its name?
    • Level 3 Answer: 4) From a group of teens in California
  • Level 4 Question: How do most people celebrate 4/20?
    • Level 4 Answer: 2) Consume/smoke weed
  • Level 5 Question: When was High Times magazine founded?
    • Level 5 Answer: 3) 1974
  • Level 6 Question: Where was the original site of the 4/20 gatherings?
    • Level 6 Answer: 2) By the statue of Louis Pasteur
  • Level 7 Question: What is another name of Cannabis?
    • Level 7 Answer: 4) Hemp
  • Level 8 Question: Who created the Hemp Car that ran on Hemp Ethanol?
    • Level 8 Answer: 2) Henry Ford
  • Level 9 Question: How many states have legalized the use of medical marijuana?
    • Level 9 Answer: 2) 20
  • Level 10 Question: Which of these tests can detect marijuana for up to 90 days?
    • Level 10 Answer: 2) Hair test

Levels: 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100

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